Employment problems from the Employers perspective…

Employment problems from the Employers perspective…..

We recently had the unpleasant experience ourselves of being involved in an employment dispute involving a former staff member – a qualified Solicitor no less. The matter involved a very curious turn of events that, quite frankly, you wouldn’t normally expect to read about. Our former employee really got the situation totally wrong which just goes to show that even educated and seemingly experienced people can get it wrong!

The case went before the Employment Relations Authority in Auckland and basically involved a situation where a dismissal by us was held to be justified despite the absence of any formal process. The case is narrow in it’s focus but nonetheless makes for very interesting reading. It has certainly helped restore some of our faith in the “system” and is a very pragmatic decision indeed.

If you would like to know more about this case or perhaps to obtain a copy for your own perusal please feel free to give us a call.

A man’s home is his castle…

Or so the saying goes. True perhaps, but one of the problems with modern day castles is they may not have secure parapets and their locations can be known to all. Through the introduction and initial reading of the Companies (Address Information) Amendment Bill, Parliament is looking at allowing company directors to have their residential

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Upcoming changes to PROPERTY tax and TENANCY laws.

Alongside the changes to employment law, the National-ACT-NZ First coalition is bringing in major changes to the property sector. Among the most significant and those likely to affect many of our clients are: TENANCY AND RENTAL MARKET ADJUSTMENTS DEDUCTIBILITY OF MORTGAGE INTEREST FOR LANDLORDS From 1 April 2024, landlords may claim back 80% of the

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