Online Wills

Having Your Will/Enduring Powers of Attorney Done

We are now able to provide you with a convenient and efficient will creation service whereby you can provide us with all of the information we require to draft your will. The best part is that you can do this in your own time and at your own pace!

There is no cost or obligation involved for completing the questionnaire below and it shouldn’t take you more than about 15 minutes or so.

Before you start the questionnaire, we suggest that you have the following handy

  • The full names of all people and/or organisations who will (or may) benefit under your will or who may be involved (such as executors or guardians).
  • Details of all of your important assets.
  • Electronic copies of any existing wills or trust deeds (if any) that can be uploaded.

Some points to bear in mind:

  • You are able to pause completing the questionnaire at any stage and come back to it later. If you do this you will receive an email with a link to resume the questionnaire.
  • There are help options available in the questionnaire, but if you get confused at any stage or you are uncertain about what is being asked, then please feel free to call us on (09) 415 9321 to discuss, or alternatively, enter brief details of your overall intentions and we can then clarify things with you later. The questionnaire has been designed to make this as straightforward as possible.

Once you have submitted this questionnaire, we will:

  • Double check that we know of no potential issue in our acting for you in the preparation of this will (should there be we will notify you and immediately delete all of the information you have provided in the questionnaire); and
  • Be in touch to clarify any information, confirm our costs (or at least an estimate of them) and seek your confirmation that you wish us to proceed.

We will then prepare the will for you to check, and then arrange a time for you to get the will signed.

Tell us How We Can Help You

Have a chat to one of the team to see how we can provide you with advice and expertise in your legal matter.

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Merry Christmas

We shut on the 20th of December and re-open again on the 13th of January 2025

Compliments of the season to you also and we hope you enjoy a relaxing break.